Euro Versus Franc and Dollar August 10th

FX Strategy Video > Currency Pairs Analysis

EUR/CHF continued its massive fall on Tuesday, as traders simply "ran for the hills" during the Asian session. The markets did eventually calm down in general, but the pair never really bounced like the riskier ones did. The pair actually came within 60 pips of parity, and as such - we think it will have very little trouble getting there in the near future. We like selling rallies, especially at the 1.05 and 1.07 areas.

The EUR/USD pair is one of the most vulnerable pairs to headline risk currently. Because of this, we can only rely on the technical set ups, and we are presently watching a downward channel. However, it should be said that this is one of our least favorite pairs to trade at the moment.

Published on 9th of August 2011
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